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Introducing the PyroNam Farmer Partnership

Purchase biomass from farmer

- Evaluation of the biomass according to FSC
- Lease contract for the PyroNam plant and biomass supply contract with the farmer
- Delivery of the FSC biomass from the farmer to the PyroNam plant

Create Biochar

- PyroNam builds a pyrolysis plant and workers' village on leased land at its own expense
- Production of high-quality charcoal with environmentally friendly and efficient machinery

Certification of biochar and processes

- Certification of biochar and processes, from harvesting to sequestration to the highest standards
- Creation of C-sink certificates that are exported to international customers

Distribution of biochar to farmers

- Distribute biochar as a soil amendment to farmers that originally supplied biomass
- The remaining biochar is given to other agricultural producers or for land remediation projects

PyroNam – Farmer – Partnership